Patent Litigation over COVID-19 vaccine – IPR has been filed, according to the company.
Last summer, I wrote about Modela’s patent lawsuit against Pfizer and Biontec over the COVID-19 vaccine and the subsequent filing of a response by the two companies being sued,
Patent Litigation over COVID-19 vaccine
Patent lawsuit over COVID-19 vaccine Subsequently
Two more companies have filed an IPR (Inter partes review) with the USPTO regarding the Modeler patent.
When I briefly looked through Modela’s patents last year, I got the impression that the claim scope was quite broad, so it was to be expected that the two companies would file an IPR.
I checked with P-TACTS and it appears that IPRs have been filed for the following patents.
10,702,600 (the “‘600 patent”) : Betacolonavirus mRNA vaccine
10,933,127 (the “‘127 patent”) : Betacolonavirus mRNA vaccine
We will continue to monitor the outcome of these IPRs in the future, as they seem to be quite voluminous documents.
Photo: Saint-Sulpice Church in Paris, which I visited this summer.