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Tips for those who want to obtain intellectual property rights in Japan

Mar 16, 2023

Tips for those who want to obtain intellectual property rights in Japan

We have compiled a list of tips for acquiring intellectual property rights such as patents and trademarks in Japan in this issue of note (Japanese text only, paid article).

Tips for those who want to obtain intellectual property rights in Japan

In the case of persons who are active outside Japan, or so-called “overseas residents,” the Patent Law and other laws stipulate that they may not file a patent application without a patent administrator, or agent (Patent Law, Article 8, etc.).
Therefore, if you are considering acquiring intellectual property rights in Japan from outside Japan or if you do not have a business office in Japan, the first step in acquiring intellectual property rights in Japan is to find an appropriate representative in Japan.

With the development of AI, various convenient services have been released for patent searches and trademark acquisition, and the Japan Patent Office (JPO) has also released various contents that explain information on intellectual property in an easy-to-understand manner for general users.

We believe that by making full use of such tools, the general public may be able to reach a certain point in obtaining intellectual property rights in Japan on their own, and we have decided to compile this information from the perspective of what kind of obstacles the general public should have a representative when they encounter them.

The articles are intended for individuals and small to medium-sized companies who are interested in acquiring intellectual property rights in Japan, such as trademarks, and who would like to do it on their own to the extent possible.